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Showing posts from December, 2021

Tiny Lithuania builds up appetite to take up-call over Chinese govt heinous ' Uyghurs Genocide'

                                       A small country in the Baltic region of Europe with a population of 2.8 million, builds up the appetite to raise voice against repentant and wile Chinese regime annexing the countries in the world in their jigsaw. Lithuania is not a superpower and doesn’t possess nuclear weapons but is similar in size to Sri Lanka. Subsiding power and size, Lithuania makes up the courage to pegged a fight against China. Lithuania dropout from the 17+1 co-operation forum in may this year. 17+1 forum coalesced eastern and central European states including China. Lithuania professes the forum was schismatic. This issue started as conflict soon became an anti-China juggernaut.  Lithuanian govt call-out ‘Uyghurs Genocide’, slammed down crackdown in Hong Kong. Govt asks their people to throw their smartphones, they don’t want any Chinese influence. Lithuania wants fre...


Humans have the competency to build their significance. ‘Rome was not built in a day- each step proves to be colossal. Creating a place and being commemorated is that uncomplicated. People hardly spare a thought if misconduct is inadvertently committed by a bloke. Let’s not get into the philosophical tenets and get started with the life journey of Sir Ratan Tata and Dhiru Bhai Ambani and their impact on the current generation.                                              Both of them hold a prominent place in the business world. And interesting fact both was born on 28 December. Dhiru Bhai Ambani started his journey and was the perfect example of ‘rage to rich’ in contrast Sir Ratan Tata even hailing from the business family remain corrigible. One reporter asks Ratan, “Why is Mukesh Ambani is the richest person, not Ratan Tata?” One of the most elegant retorts, “We are Indu...


If someone has to define life, it would have been going transcend to expectation. At the crack of dawn, most people endeavor to build the future and they meticulously knit each thread to avoid the constraint. Contriving is not the bone of contention, but the question of this much of effort where is going to destined. Born in a different country and bringing prosperity in others, implicitly affecting and ruining or can say stabbing the vertebrae of the motherland. As per the recent report, in the last five-year 6 lakh Indians, relinquish their citizenship. Recently, Indian-born techy replaced Jack Dorsey as the new CEO of Twitter. Many eminent organizations like Google, IBM, Microsoft, and many other giants have Indian-origin CEOs. Many Indians acknowledge their success and many altercate. Now the question is where we should celebrate or repentant to lose such edifices. And the biggest question is, how is their success going to help India ?             ...

How crypto affecting the global market?

  ‘Cryptocurrency triggered threat for financial system’, Sir John Cunliffe, deputy bank governor, UK. Directly diving into the cause that leads to becoming shroud for the financial investor, the concern is the non-regulatory phenomenon. We are well acquainted with the fact that there is no specific organization that plays the role of obligatory in terms of Crypto. Due to which market is volatile, sometimes it raises exorbitantly which we have observed the upswing in bitcoin from USD 196 in 2013 to $46,732 in 2021, and anticipation is that it may collapse at zero. The estimated increase-decrease happened around 30%. Around 26 percent of people in America use cryptocurrency as a form of alternative payment (roughly around 15.5 million). Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are legalized by 111 states including India. As per the report of Statista, 6000 cryptocurrencies are prevailing in 2021 and, 8 cryptocurrencies are launched per day. The most trending cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin...


Something that brings curiosity and staggers your brain these days is innovative technology. Although sometimes it is intriguing to understand the concept. Just scrolling on YouTube, I was smacked by the video which explained the concept of  IoT  not diving deep into the technological mechanism, how it works and how sophisticated brains have been utilized to devise the whole functioning in technical pursuits. But let’s articulate this concept in laymen's language to get hands over it and build the cognizance. Just like our body parts, we have the general outlook that refers to here as the manifestation of outer appearance and second the internal organ. Similarly, IoT has two main components one of them is the general device that connects the data hub and information exchange via wired or wireless interfaces. The second part is the sensing device which you can say have a resemblance with our nose because we smell and recognize the fragrance of perfume, same procedure is imple...

Emancipation Vs fanaticism

How do we visualize the abrupt change around us? When a sapling refers to a child being watered daily by the parent and kin. Values, ethics, and culture are inculcated within them as an optimist, parents don’t want their child to feel the prick of cactus. It is just like tutelage where the child is repertoire to be future-ready.  Then and now, the things are so inscrutable that we can’t put our head on someone else shoulder. People transit to navigate the best environment and lifestyle preferable for them. Emigration doesn’t hold any kind of apathy for the host country but the point which needs special heed is the disposition of the people.  Ostensibly, people's presuppositions are overwhelmed and transcend that the host country should absorb them completely without any indictment. Here is the quoted example of Germany, it had and still provides emancipation to every migrant. Germany holds the maximum number of accumulation of Muslim migrants as compared to Saudi Arabia....

Beijing Olympics marked as” vicious” with the diplomatic boycott.

                                                China is a predator that is well prepared to swallow underdeveloped nations. The Communist regime tormenting the inhabitants of Xinjiang. People across the world elevating their voice in front of the world‘s leader to act upon the “Genocide” committed by Chinese hegemony. Few of the athletes who have participated are repudiating not to be part of the winter Olympics. People in China are carrying out demonstrations and protesting against the genocide. USA, Russia, Australia, New Zealand proximal allies of France pertain to have a “Diplomatic Boycott” and, in the conference, France’s president declared it insignificant. In total, 13 brands are sponsoring this winter Olympics like Coca-Cola, Intel, Alibaba, and many more. They have been questioned, why they are patronizing the winter Olympics? But only one of them, German Fi...

Europe discerns around then takes a step, instead blindly following the impression of the USA.

  The world has seen insurgence and conflict during reigns. Significant interaction among countries has begun in the 21st century due to technology.  We have discovered, remnants and monoliths, during the excavation of many historical places by the archaeologist.  We have procured identical artifacts in Mohenjo Daron and Mesopotamia.  In the 16th century, the inception of the East India Company, after seeking consent from Jahangir, how the exclusive procession expedited and expanded its root not only in India but colonized many continents. But it began denting after the second world due to inadequate organized military forces who were the flag bearer of British imperialism but, dissension led to subjugation. Europe again erecting up to retain its desirous place and, now this time they are not using aggressive skirmish strategy or disgruntled states to sign the treaty of annexation instead,  they cherry-picked the president of France, Macron as the figurehead. In...

Pandemic crisis didn’t wane the armament sector, it grew with sales of $513 billion.

  Covid-19, a stigma over the 21st century, even the superpowers and allies themselves claiming and evident hi-tech innovation and technological advancement, but the question, where we have embarked and visualized tech-innovation in reality? It’s a scourging question, isn’t it? Dualism still exists, not in the spiritual context but exemplifies the oligarch’s investor. The USA the oldest democratic country talks, about terrorism, human rights, and oppression but, itself holds the stakes of 54% in the weaponry sector. As per the recent report, the top 100 global companies earned a profit of $513 billion this year. There are 41 U.S companies in the top 100 and, the aggregate sale of these companies is $285. Leading companies, Lockheed Martin alone sold $58 billion weapons. India’s budget for defense in 2021-22 allocated by the government, which holds more than 13% of its expenditures.  Any country to prove as the sledgehammer requires high skill and educated cohort and, we can’t ...

To forbid over the existential crisis, two alternatives we have: de-globalize economy or promote and transcend political stability.

  Homosapien are themselves liked to vanish. Millions of years are spent exorbitantly in human evolution from Australopithecus afarensis to Homosapien. How acrimonious, it sounds that, to forge a creature even nature has too so decisive and pertinent. For annihilation, an inept impoverished who are inadvertently becomes the part and the eminent personalities, special mention to our so-called protagonist feuds and politicians holds the significant position.  The world is struggling with three major menaces: nuclear war, ecological collapse, and technological disruption. Countries not only have the threat of these specific problems but imperative one is de-stabilize relation among the countries. At present, Russian is on the verge to declare war and wants its hegemony over Ukraine. Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden will have the confabulation, and we can only build the prophecies what could be the outcome?  China invading intermittently in the military zone of Taiwan. We have ...