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Europe discerns around then takes a step, instead blindly following the impression of the USA.


The world has seen insurgence and conflict during reigns. Significant interaction among countries has begun in the 21st century due to technology.  We have discovered, remnants and monoliths, during the excavation of many historical places by the archaeologist.  We have procured identical artifacts in Mohenjo Daron and Mesopotamia. 

In the 16th century, the inception of the East India Company, after seeking consent from Jahangir, how the exclusive procession expedited and expanded its root not only in India but colonized many continents. But it began denting after the second world due to inadequate organized military forces who were the flag bearer of British imperialism but, dissension led to subjugation.

Europe again erecting up to retain its desirous place and, now this time they are not using aggressive skirmish strategy or disgruntled states to sign the treaty of annexation instead,  they cherry-picked the president of France, Macron as the figurehead. In 2022, France is going to take over the presidency of the European Union for six months.  He has substantial plans to recover the power and authority and to establish an invincible position in front of the world.  EU doesn’t want themselves to be marionette of US. 

In a conference, Macron stated “this opportunity is sumptuous for them. EU is power co-operation with their coalesced but, now they have to transcend and validate sovereignty and harmonious relation with rest of the world,  free to make choices and master of its destiny”.

The closest allies USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand boycotted Beijing Olympics this year, but Macron found it insignificant.  Last week, he visited Saudi Arabia to discuss Lebanon and pledged to resolve the rampant crisis. Last year, two days after the Beirut port blast,  Macron visited the city, walked through the destruction, talked with people. 

He was deploying his desire to be the one who could recognize as the leader of Europe. His new venture in  Africa is the concoction of power and soft ethos. He returned stolen artifacts to Africa and increased ancillaries. He located 5000 troops in western Africa to alleviate Islamic insurgency. This year, he proposed to submit between the African Union and European Union to extend and maintain robust relations. He wants to lead over the playground of geopolitics in Africa. Again building aspiration to create the influence of EU on the world, but this time people are ready to break the shackle, they know well that its shroud for them to rely on them.

                                                                                                    Rajnandini Singh


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