Something that brings curiosity and staggers your brain these days is innovative technology. Although sometimes it is intriguing to understand the concept. Just scrolling on YouTube, I was smacked by the video which explained the concept of IoT not diving deep into the technological mechanism, how it works and how sophisticated brains have been utilized to devise the whole functioning in technical pursuits.
But let’s articulate this concept in laymen's language to get hands over it and build the cognizance. Just like our body parts, we have the general outlook that refers to here as the manifestation of outer appearance and second the internal organ. Similarly, IoT has two main components one of them is the general device that connects the data hub and information exchange via wired or wireless interfaces. The second part is the sensing device which you can say have a resemblance with our nose because we smell and recognize the fragrance of perfume, same procedure is implemented here by sensing the temperature, humidity, light intensity, and other parameters.
And these two major components apart from each not going to function, need a conjugation and bring them within the proximity. We need pundit and, the navigation gets over on Gateways to create a network where this gateway accumulates the data from the sensor send it to the cloud. Cloud act as both storage and processing unit actions are performed on collected data for further interpretation and analysis, to get accurate and precise data for the functioning. We need connectivity like WIFI, GMS, and many more, with help of various device and communication protocol, and tiny sensor plays a significant role, sensing the desired factor, sending it to the back-end server for knowledge and analysis.
Let’s understand with an illustration, at everyone's house there is a particular portion in the house that is dedicated to gardening. You plant a variety of plants and, you need to water them manually. But using this IoT, you can automatically only by sensing the temperature and moisture level in soil which are pre-determined parameters. You need to press the button and, the water faucet will turn and, water will be poured off.
Through these, we can create an integrated environment connecting TV, light, AC, and many many more appliances to have check over it using ‘IoT’. By the way, we are getting more SMARTER………!!
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